Check out the latest Guardian Newsletter for information on all of the 2022 Fitness Challenge individual and team winners.



New in 2022, we are partnering with My Virtual Mission to include a virtual Activity Challenge as a new way to inspire friendly competition and team camaraderie. The new virtual Activity Challenge is designed to attract more individuals to join the Fitness Challenge including individuals who work out regularly and may not need to lose any weight.


The virtual Activity Challenge will follow an established route with four segments lasting three weeks per segment. Your miles must be automatically posted to the My Virtual Mission website using a compatible device or mobile app to sync your information on the website. Cash prizes will be awarded to individuals and teams that accumulate the most miles for each segment walking, running or cycling along with final prizes awarded for the most miles accumulated for all 4 segments.


All team members will be registered on the (“MVM”) website or mobile app using their email address. A “Welcome” email will be sent to each participant with instructions on how to logon to the MVM website or mobile app. If you need assistance the logging into or using the MVM website or mobile app, access the MVM Help Page or send an email to

more ways to win prizes

In this year's Fitness Challenge, individuals and teams have more ways to win prizes than ever before.


Activity Challenge Segment Prizes: For each 3-week segment of the Activity Challenge, prizes are awarded to the top teams and individuals who complete the most miles walking, running or cycling as shown in the table below. Miles completed for the team competition are calculated taking the total miles completed by all participants on a team who participated in each activity (walking, running or cycling) and dividing by the total number of participants completing miles in each activity. Winners will be announced, and prizes awarded upon completion of the Fitness Challenge.


Activity Challenge Final Prizes: Final prizes are awarded to the top teams and individuals that accumulate the most miles walking, running or cycling across all 4 segments as shown in the table below. Miles completed for the team competition are calculated taking the total miles completed by all participants on a team who participated in each activity and dividing by the total number of participants who participated across all segments of the Activity Challenge. Winners will be announced, and prizes awarded upon completion of the Fitness Challenge.



Weight Loss Challenge Prizes: Prizes for the Weight Loss Challenge are awarded to the top teams and individuals that lose the greatest percentage of weight as shown in the table below. Winners will be announced, and prizes awarded upon completion of the Fitness Challenge.



To get started, click on the links to download the 2022 Fitness Challenge Rules and the 2022 Fitness Challenge Application.


If you have questions about the 2022 Fitness Challenge, send an email to